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Multilingual Learners and

Literacy Across  Content Areas

Why these strategies are for all scholars:

The newest ELD policy in the State of California, the English Learner Roadmap, has the following mission:


"California schools affirm, welcome, and respond to a diverse range of English learner (EL) strengths, needs, and identities. California schools prepare graduates with the linguistic, academic, and social skills and competencies they require for college, career, and civic participation in a global, diverse, and multilingual world, thus ensuring a thriving future for California."


If we are to prepare graduates with the linguistic capacity to perform in this multilingual world, we must do better at teaching all scholars how to best understand and use written and spoken language.


Language Matters: Using Multilingual Learners in place of "ELLs"

Since DLA's single pathway incorporates world languages, all of our scholars are or will be at least emergent bilinguals. With many scholars coming to us with other home languages-- Farsi, Tagalog, Arabic, Mandarin-- learning Spanish will make them multilingual learners, a fact we should remain cognizant of as we explore how to incorporate these home languages into our classes.

Writing Routines
Most Requested Supports
DLA Professional Development 
Created and Curated Resources for the major domains of literacy and language for all content areas:
Grammar Resource

How English Works: Grammar Micro Lessons

CA ELD Roadmap

CA EL Roadmap (Newest Policy) Webinar Video

Assets-Minded EL Training

CA EL Roadmap and Equity Training by CABE-- promoting an assets-oriented approach to Language Development


Access the most current ELD standards here


For ELLs to redesignate to proficient, their language skills will be measured on the ELPAC, the new test replacing the CELDT. Learn more here.


Listen to a quick overview of the difference between our widely used content objectives and the language objectives that should accompany them.

Writing Language Objectives

How to write Language Objectives to support ELLs.

© 2019 by Carissa Duran. Proudly created with

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